Saturday, March 3, 2012


Some people may feel like bullying doesn't effect them.  That your child is well adjusted and seems to be rather popular.  Maybe they are on the football team or head cheerleader.  You won't have to worry about bullies.  You're wrong.

If someone is being bullied in your child's school, he or she may decide they have had enough.  Since no one will help them, they will take matters into their own hands.  They bring a gun to school and just start shooting the first person they see.  What if that so called person is your child?  Now an innocent life has been snuffed out because we feel if it isn't happening directly to us then it won't affect us.  We need to teach our children respect.  Respect for themselves, and respect for other people.

 I remember seeing the 'popular kids' in high school shunning those they felt were beneath them.  Some of them have children who are now being bullied. I guess this is what they call "Chicken's coming home to roost."

No matter how much we try to avoid the perils in life, if we don't fix it, then we too shall fall victim.

Much Love

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